There is barely anyone who hasn’t heard of WhatsApp, or better yet, used it. Sending messages and staying in touch has become so easier with the augment of instant chat applications. Everyone is aware of the most widely used social media app – WhatsApp that connects more than billions of people across the planet across wide ranges of devices and operating systems. It offers a simple way to people for connecting and sharing media as well as messages. Seeing a chance for business to grow and interact with the client, WhatsApp has started rolling out Business Service to the brands and ecommerce owners. It’s like a dream come true for small and large businesses who are seeking powerful tools to interact with their customers. The Ecommerce business has been very fast to evolve with technological advancements and make a competitive market and keeping it updated is the the only way to stay ahead in the race. Therefore, it’s a decent plan to incorporate WhatsApp into your Ecommerce strategy to boost your business communication.
Nowadays, even single beep on a Smartphone is enough to grab the attention of any user, however, once it involves WhatsApp, most of the notifications get scanned in less than three seconds. Sending these varieties of notification is effective, faster, secure and reliable that gives a personalized experience to your store customers. You can hire Magento developers to help you integrate WhatsApp and make your processes easier.
Here are some major advantages of using the WhatsApp for your Ecommerce business communication and sales purposes:
- Increase Your Customer Servicing: With instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, it’s become very convenient for purchasers to achieve you, and vice versa. It is easier than contacting the users and potential clients via email or phone. It is easy and hassle-free option that inspires customers to interact with the brand in a comprehensive manner. Consumers usually like written method over phone calls, and what’s higher than dropping an instant message? WhatsApp notifications are sent by Magento ecommerce business owners to inform the customers about their orders, shipment, and delivery. Users receive their movie ticket bookings over WhatsApp and it enhances customer service.
For more details read the blog continue - How Does WhatsApp Help Magento eCommerce Store Owners?
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